Well in the last few months Gavin has transformed into a toddler! He has a sweet and sassy personality and learning new ways to communicate. He has discovered that he loves music. He pulls nates headphones down and sticks them in his own ears and has come up with some hilarious dance moves by himself. He still isn't speaking very much English yet besides dada and an occasional mamma but he says woof for dog now too. He understands a lot of what I’m saying and he gabbers all the time, so we can't wait until he gets a hang of talking.
Gavin and I went to Gardner village with Dan, Trisha,Naylia and Brandson and did a witch hunt this year and we also went trick or treating with them and Kim and Jon came along too. Gavin did a great job walking most of the way but would get tired and just sit down on the sidewalk. He went as an Ewok and I was princess Leai(endor). Nate got to dress up as Han Solo (endor)for a Halloween party we all went to but had to work on Halloween this year.
We'll go in for a checkup next month when he turns 18mo, but at the last check i did he was about 31" tall and around 25lbs. He now has his 8 front main teeth and back molars on top and bottom so we're just missing a few more for his baby teeth.
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