In August Gavin and I were able to go to the Bow Hunt (my mom's side of the family camping trip)On Monroe Mountain. Which is about an hour east of Ceder City and an hour up into the middle of no-where. I followed my brother Dan, his wife Trisha and their two kids Naylia and Brandson up to the mountain where we go a great spot right in the middle of camp. We missed Nate for 5 days but it gave me a chance to break in some of our newer camping equipment. Gavin had such a blast! Brandson got a power wheels quad for his early birthday present and did such a great job sharing with all the little cousins. Gavin loved just sitting on it or trying to go for a ride himself even though he was a little small for that one. He loved to push the yellow toy up and down the hill over.... and over... and over. I took him on a 3-wheeler ride, and it had been my first time driving in a long time,and i didn't know the trails very well, it scared me to death and i don't know how my parents did it all those years. We had a few thunder clouds where we got to play inside the trailers or tents but it was a lot of fun to see my aunts and uncles and have one on one sibling time with my brother. Aunt Margie even got the kids a pinata where we went in age order and got about 3 whacks at it, it was a lot of fun to watch. Sunday came where we have our own version of church where it's mostly just a testimony meeting. Grandpa and Grandma were able to come and it was so nice to see them again. Grandpa gave us his words of wisdom and after a few others i was moved to address the family with i don't have a memory of ever doing before, but maybe when i was young. I spoke of family and how much you all mean to me, and how i haven't always made the best choices, but my family was always there for me. And now being a mother myself, made me so sorry for many things i've done. I'm sorry mom. you're the best mother i could have hoped for and i'm sorry God knew you were so great and gave you a trial like me. After the close of church we had an awesome pot luck and i tried to pack up quickly so i could be home before it got too late. I got home with no problems and had a very happy boy to finally see his DaDa!

Thursday, September 15, 2011
In August Gavin and I were able to go to the Bow Hunt (my mom's side of the family camping trip)On Monroe Mountain. Which is about an hour east of Ceder City and an hour up into the middle of no-where. I followed my brother Dan, his wife Trisha and their two kids Naylia and Brandson up to the mountain where we go a great spot right in the middle of camp. We missed Nate for 5 days but it gave me a chance to break in some of our newer camping equipment. Gavin had such a blast! Brandson got a power wheels quad for his early birthday present and did such a great job sharing with all the little cousins. Gavin loved just sitting on it or trying to go for a ride himself even though he was a little small for that one. He loved to push the yellow toy up and down the hill over.... and over... and over. I took him on a 3-wheeler ride, and it had been my first time driving in a long time,and i didn't know the trails very well, it scared me to death and i don't know how my parents did it all those years. We had a few thunder clouds where we got to play inside the trailers or tents but it was a lot of fun to see my aunts and uncles and have one on one sibling time with my brother. Aunt Margie even got the kids a pinata where we went in age order and got about 3 whacks at it, it was a lot of fun to watch. Sunday came where we have our own version of church where it's mostly just a testimony meeting. Grandpa and Grandma were able to come and it was so nice to see them again. Grandpa gave us his words of wisdom and after a few others i was moved to address the family with i don't have a memory of ever doing before, but maybe when i was young. I spoke of family and how much you all mean to me, and how i haven't always made the best choices, but my family was always there for me. And now being a mother myself, made me so sorry for many things i've done. I'm sorry mom. you're the best mother i could have hoped for and i'm sorry God knew you were so great and gave you a trial like me. After the close of church we had an awesome pot luck and i tried to pack up quickly so i could be home before it got too late. I got home with no problems and had a very happy boy to finally see his DaDa!
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