Monday, November 14, 2011

Well in the last few months Gavin has transformed into a toddler! He has a sweet and sassy personality and learning new ways to communicate. He has discovered that he loves music. He pulls nates headphones down and sticks them in his own ears and has come up with some hilarious dance moves by himself. He still isn't speaking very much English yet besides dada and an occasional mamma but he says woof for dog now too. He understands a lot of what I’m saying and he gabbers all the time, so we can't wait until he gets a hang of talking.

Gavin and I went to Gardner village with Dan, Trisha,Naylia and Brandson and did a witch hunt this year and we also went trick or treating with them and Kim and Jon came along too. Gavin did a great job walking most of the way but would get tired and just sit down on the sidewalk. He went as an Ewok and I was princess Leai(endor). Nate got to dress up as Han Solo (endor)for a Halloween party we all went to but had to work on Halloween this year.

We'll go in for a checkup next month when he turns 18mo, but at the last check i did he was about 31" tall and around 25lbs. He now has his 8 front main teeth and back molars on top and bottom so we're just missing a few more for his baby teeth.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

In August Gavin and I were able to go to the Bow Hunt (my mom's side of the family camping trip)On Monroe Mountain. Which is about an hour east of Ceder City and an hour up into the middle of no-where. I followed my brother Dan, his wife Trisha and their two kids Naylia and Brandson up to the mountain where we go a great spot right in the middle of camp. We missed Nate for 5 days but it gave me a chance to break in some of our newer camping equipment. Gavin had such a blast! Brandson got a power wheels quad for his early birthday present and did such a great job sharing with all the little cousins. Gavin loved just sitting on it or trying to go for a ride himself even though he was a little small for that one. He loved to push the yellow toy up and down the hill over.... and over... and over. I took him on a 3-wheeler ride, and it had been my first time driving in a long time,and i didn't know the trails very well, it scared me to death and i don't know how my parents did it all those years. We had a few thunder clouds where we got to play inside the trailers or tents but it was a lot of fun to see my aunts and uncles and have one on one sibling time with my brother. Aunt Margie even got the kids a pinata where we went in age order and got about 3 whacks at it, it was a lot of fun to watch. Sunday came where we have our own version of church where it's mostly just a testimony meeting. Grandpa and Grandma were able to come and it was so nice to see them again. Grandpa gave us his words of wisdom and after a few others i was moved to address the family with i don't have a memory of ever doing before, but maybe when i was young. I spoke of family and how much you all mean to me, and how i haven't always made the best choices, but my family was always there for me. And now being a mother myself, made me so sorry for many things i've done. I'm sorry mom. you're the best mother i could have hoped for and i'm sorry God knew you were so great and gave you a trial like me. After the close of church we had an awesome pot luck and i tried to pack up quickly so i could be home before it got too late. I got home with no problems and had a very happy boy to finally see his DaDa!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

In July we went to the zoo with our friends Mike and Kiya. Gavin had a blast! he was old enough this time to walk around with his little monkey leash and see the animals.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Well i'm behind a few months, so i'll try to catch everyone up! Gavin started walking a couple days after 11 months and went right into running after that. In June he had his first birthday! it was a lot of fun. we had some cousins over for a pool party and just hung out outside. Gavin got a lot of cool new toys and clothes that he loves, so thank you all! He didn't want to take an early nap so he got tuckered out half way through and needed a power nap on Kiya, one of our good friends. Then we brought out his cake. at first he was wondering what he was supposed to do with it, but quickly got the idea with Dads help.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Well this past month has been a lot of fun. Gavin is crawling like a mad man! He's so fast and sneeky as he tries to get up the stairs or out the door before i cage him in again. His Top teeth are also coming in. For easter we had fun and did a mini easter egg hunt were I pretty much put them in plain sight and he crawled over and attacked them. We've also had some on and off good weather so we've been trying to find parks with baby swings because Gavin really loves it. He gets a big goofy grin and kicks his legs a million miles a minute. We also went down and saw Grandpa and Nana barney since Nate had a three day weekend. It was a lot of fun and Gavin discovered the spring door stops and thought they were the coolest thing ever. He played with them over and over to make the "Booooing" sound. On May 18th Gavin just turned 11 months old and two days after that he took his first steps. It was so much fun. My sister and her family were stopping by on their way back up to logan and he took about 4 steps to Nate! He's been trying the previous week but it was always one maybe two and then trying to walk while falling. But he did so awesome that Alissa and Justin didn't even get excited because they thought he had been walking for a while already. it's so fun to start to see his personality emerging. He's such a chatter box but can be shy too... for about five minutes and then he's giving you smiles or ends up sitting in your lap.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Grampa and Nana Barney came up to visit us and we went out to lunch at California Pizza Kitchen. We also got Gavins Nine month pictures taken. Gavin is very mobile! He's crawling great and can walk while holding my hands. He even pulls himself up into a standing position and can stand by himself for around 10 seconds. He does a few baby signs for milk or eat and has been talking a little more baby gibberish lately. He understands who Nate and I are but hasn't quite put together that I AM Mama instead of mama just being a word he occasionally says. He knows when he's not supposed to be doing something already, He'll crawl very quickly to the stairs put two hands on them and then look at me to see if it's ok or not. He gets this very guilty look on his face when i catch him about to pull the lamp down too. He's quite the problem solver. We have a little entertainment center and I put all the movies into tubs so he wouldn't pull each individual movie out, so he figured out how to pull out the drawer and then pull each movie out. He also is very fascinated by the dvd player and after pushing it back as much as we can, he now pulls the movie drawer out and stands on them to try and grope for the dvd machine. He's definitely going to keep me on my toes.

Here are some playtime pictures. Spring keeps teasing us up here in Utah, it will be a wonderful few days of sunshine and then more snow. So Gavin and I try to get out while we can. However, on days we can't go out, he discovered the washing machine and will just sit and stare at it while it goes through the cycles.

Well i've let things slack again. These are some pictures of when Gavin was 8 months. Tub Time with Daddy. Nate works in the evenings so it isn't very often Gavin gets a bath from Dad.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Well I had a couple videos, but they took too long up upload. So i'll just tell you some updates. Gavin is at the Precrawl or "flopping" stage where he can get around pretty quickly (especially if there's a remote in front of him) by doing a flopping/ worm movement. He also does a little mowglie (jungle book) move where he's on his hands and feet and sticks his bottom in the air. We're expecting him to be able to crawl any day now. He also just clapped his hands all by himself for the first time yesterday. it was a big accomplishment. He also can blow raspberrys like a champ. his lips end up going farther than his nose and they are pretty loud, especially in church. He started talking to his dump truck and cement truck, but he sticks his face into the truck bed like he's trying to see what is inside there.... except it's way too small for his face.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Gavin is starting to get his two bottom teeth in so we got a baby tooth brush from the dentist. He's also able to feed himself small bits of food, at six months the doctor said he could eat foods we eat, so Gavin loves mornings when he gets pancakes and waffles. Nate and Gavin in their Sunday best.

(Top Left)Gavin Christmas Day (Top Right)Nate's Cookie Monster present to Gavin, his month opens and closes when Gavin shakes him and he talks. (Bottom Left) We got Gavin a booster chair for his six month birthday. (Bottom Right) Father and Son on Christmas morning.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Around Christmas time we went to Temple Square to see the christmas lights with some friends of ours.

A lot of family members got together and got my Mom and Dad plane tickets to come out for thanksgiving. While they were here Mom, Dad, Gavin and I went up to Idaho to visit my Grandparents and my uncle jumped in with them, so it was an awesome trip... until the way back when we had a tire blowout.

Well i'm a little behind but the past two months were so fun with most of my family coming up to utah for thanksgiving, and then Nate, Gavin and I going down to visit some of Nate's family for New Years. Here's some pictures of our adventures.