The Barneys

Monday, June 11, 2012
During May we had a lot of fun. We had some house projects that we helped with outside and Gavin heard the Ice cream truck for the first time. The picture is of him trying to figure it out by himself. He's heard it once since and doesn't cry that he doesn't get ice cream, but cries when the music stops. When it starts again he starts dancing, he is so funny.
We went down to Cedar City for Memorial Day and Nate's brother and his family came up. The nice weather decided to take a holiday and we had to battle pretty fierce winds all of friday. During the night it started raining which turned to hale and by morning there was spots with snow on the ground. Needless to say, we packed up camp pretty quick since saturday was shaping up to be no better than Friday. But we got to hang out and do smores and Grandpa and Grandma Barney even got all the kids Harmonicas (which they decided to practice on for the next few days).So we retreated back to Grandpas house for the rest of our stay and had the hardships of playing with legos and Air hockey.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
March/ April Gavin is now around 21 months old. He's made a few friends around the neighborhood and when we went for a walk, we ended up playing with his cool toys. Gavin also LOVES to be outside. He has now discovered dirt and like to play in it and occasionally sample it to make sure it still tastes ok. He Loves to help his Grandma Winn with her yard work using a little shovel or just watering the flowers keeps him happy.
We spent Easter at my brother Dans house with my sisters Kim and Alissa and their Families. We did an Easter Egg Hunt where Gavin made everyone laugh by running away from me while i was trying to hold the eggs for him and by shouting "EGG" in a creapy monster voice. He is so funny. The cousins also ended up playing dress up so of course pictures are taken. Gavin is getting so big now, i've really tried to appreciate everyday i have with him because i know he wont stay little for long, and even though he like to get a little rowdy, he's still great at being a sweetheart.
This was Back in January when Gavin was Around 19 Months old. We just got home from Cedar City and had decided to give a three day naked potty training approach a try. He has done phenomenal! i get so frustrated when after a week or two he has an accident for no reason, but then i remember he's not even two yet and to just be happy with his progress; we all know-accidents happen. We got to try out the snow suit Grandpa and Grandma Barney got Gavin for Christmas, Mary is so talented she quickly made him a matching beanie in record time too!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Back in November, Nate,Gavin and I went to Modesto for Thanksgiving to see my family in that area. We mostly got to hang out and play games, but we all did go bowling one day and Gavin had so much fun. He played in the arcade and got to bowl for Aunt Andi while she was busy.
We also went to a park and threw a frisbee and football around while my brother Greg's son Noah got to get outside and play a little with Gavin on the playground.
Back home in Utah, we tried out the "puffy" jacket, and after several long minutes of crying, I got Gavin in it and out the door
A few days before Christmas Gavin almost climbed out of his pack n play that he sleeps in, so we decided to get him a toddler bed so that way if he did fall out it would only be a few inches instead of a few feet. He instantly loved it! I could
hardly put it together without him trying to sit on it. He's done really well with it ever since and i've got him trained to stay in bed until i come get him out... we'll see how long that lasts.
Christmas Morning was a blast, we had doughnuts and woke up grandma and grandpa winn to open presents.
December is the crazy month for Nate at work, so we take our vacation to cedar city at new years time. We had a lot of fun down there with nate's stepbrothers. Nate and His dad were assisted by Gavin in making us a camping box
Monday, November 14, 2011
Well in the last few months Gavin has transformed into a toddler! He has a sweet and sassy personality and learning new ways to communicate. He has discovered that he loves music. He pulls nates headphones down and sticks them in his own ears and has come up with some hilarious dance moves by himself. He still isn't speaking very much English yet besides dada and an occasional mamma but he says woof for dog now too. He understands a lot of what I’m saying and he gabbers all the time, so we can't wait until he gets a hang of talking.
Gavin and I went to Gardner village with Dan, Trisha,Naylia and Brandson and did a witch hunt this year and we also went trick or treating with them and Kim and Jon came along too. Gavin did a great job walking most of the way but would get tired and just sit down on the sidewalk. He went as an Ewok and I was princess Leai(endor). Nate got to dress up as Han Solo (endor)for a Halloween party we all went to but had to work on Halloween this year.
We'll go in for a checkup next month when he turns 18mo, but at the last check i did he was about 31" tall and around 25lbs. He now has his 8 front main teeth and back molars on top and bottom so we're just missing a few more for his baby teeth.

Gavin and I went to Gardner village with Dan, Trisha,Naylia and Brandson and did a witch hunt this year and we also went trick or treating with them and Kim and Jon came along too. Gavin did a great job walking most of the way but would get tired and just sit down on the sidewalk. He went as an Ewok and I was princess Leai(endor). Nate got to dress up as Han Solo (endor)for a Halloween party we all went to but had to work on Halloween this year.
We'll go in for a checkup next month when he turns 18mo, but at the last check i did he was about 31" tall and around 25lbs. He now has his 8 front main teeth and back molars on top and bottom so we're just missing a few more for his baby teeth.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
In August Gavin and I were able to go to the Bow Hunt (my mom's side of the family camping trip)On Monroe Mountain. Which is about an hour east of Ceder City and an hour up into the middle of no-where. I followed my brother Dan, his wife Trisha and their two kids Naylia and Brandson up to the mountain where we go a great spot right in the middle of camp. We missed Nate for 5 days but it gave me a chance to break in some of our newer camping equipment. Gavin had such a blast! Brandson got a power wheels quad for his early birthday present and did such a great job sharing with all the little cousins. Gavin loved just sitting on it or trying to go for a ride himself even though he was a little small for that one. He loved to push the yellow toy up and down the hill over.... and over... and over. I took him on a 3-wheeler ride, and it had been my first time driving in a long time,and i didn't know the trails very well, it scared me to death and i don't know how my parents did it all those years. We had a few thunder clouds where we got to play inside the trailers or tents but it was a lot of fun to see my aunts and uncles and have one on one sibling time with my brother. Aunt Margie even got the kids a pinata where we went in age order and got about 3 whacks at it, it was a lot of fun to watch. Sunday came where we have our own version of church where it's mostly just a testimony meeting. Grandpa and Grandma were able to come and it was so nice to see them again. Grandpa gave us his words of wisdom and after a few others i was moved to address the family with i don't have a memory of ever doing before, but maybe when i was young. I spoke of family and how much you all mean to me, and how i haven't always made the best choices, but my family was always there for me. And now being a mother myself, made me so sorry for many things i've done. I'm sorry mom. you're the best mother i could have hoped for and i'm sorry God knew you were so great and gave you a trial like me. After the close of church we had an awesome pot luck and i tried to pack up quickly so i could be home before it got too late. I got home with no problems and had a very happy boy to finally see his DaDa!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Well i'm behind a few months, so i'll try to catch everyone up! Gavin started walking a couple days after 11 months and went right into running after that. In June he had his first birthday! it was a lot of fun. we had some cousins over for a pool party and just hung out outside. Gavin got a lot of cool new toys and clothes that he loves, so thank you all! He didn't want to take an early nap so he got tuckered out half way through and needed a power nap on Kiya, one of our good friends. Then we brought out his cake. at first he was wondering what he was supposed to do with it, but quickly got the idea with Dads help.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Well this past month has been a lot of fun. Gavin is crawling like a mad man! He's so fast and sneeky as he tries to get up the stairs or out the door before i cage him in again. His Top teeth are also coming in. For easter we had fun and did a mini easter egg hunt were I pretty much put them in plain sight and he crawled over and attacked them. We've also had some on and off good weather so we've been trying to find parks with baby swings because Gavin really loves it. He gets a big goofy grin and kicks his legs a million miles a minute. We also went down and saw Grandpa and Nana barney since Nate had a three day weekend. It was a lot of fun and Gavin discovered the spring door stops and thought they were the coolest thing ever. He played with them over and over to make the "Booooing" sound. On May 18th Gavin just turned 11 months old and two days after that he took his first steps. It was so much fun. My sister and her family were stopping by on their way back up to logan and he took about 4 steps to Nate! He's been trying the previous week but it was always one maybe two and then trying to walk while falling. But he did so awesome that Alissa and Justin didn't even get excited because they thought he had been walking for a while already. it's so fun to start to see his personality emerging. He's such a chatter box but can be shy too... for about five minutes and then he's giving you smiles or ends up sitting in your lap.

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