Friday, September 10, 2010

At Gavins two month doctor appt Gavin got his shots and we measured him at 24" long and 13 lbs 6 oz. he's also in the 70% range for his height and 30% range for his head size. so other than having a bit of a smaller head he's proportional height and weight wize. the doctor also said since he's already doubled his weight that we were going to change up his diet a little. so he told me to start him on rice cereal once a day for a while and then we'd move to twice a day and then in a month or so start on some of the baby foods. So the first night i tried making it really runny like the box says and put it in a bottle, but i guess it was too thick to come out. so the next night i tried doing more of a spoon fed cereal, hoping he wasn't too little, since most babies start rice cereal around 4-6 months. But he did great! here's a picture of our first night of spoon fed cereal that he managed to get on his hand and spread ALL over his face.

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