Friday, November 19, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
On about the 8th of October we Started Gavin on Baby food, This video is his first time (Squash. And He just does great with whatever i give him. We tried Sweet Potato a week later and he liked that a little better than squash. He is now doing some pears and doesn't quite know what to think of those yet.
On the 14th of october Alissa, Josie, Trisha, Naylia, Brandson,Gavin and I all went to the Salt Lake Hogle Zoo. It was the first time any of us had been there, and it was lots of fun. We tried to hit the elephants first because there is a baby elephant at this zoo. We stopped by a giant elephant statue that makes noise to try and take a picture for everybody, but the noises scared the kids and Josie was the only brave enough kid (besides Gavin who didn't have a choice) to take a picture by the elephant with me. However, while we were trying to get set up i was standing in front of the elephant which decided to scare everyone one and "sneeze" on me. it was a lot of laughs though!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
On the 18th of September we did a little combined birthday for my nephew Brandson and myself. We had a little pool party and Gavin really likes his baths so i thought he might like the pool..... but the water was a little too chilly so all he did was cry. But it was a fun time to see everybody, again thank you for all the gifts :)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
This was on Sunday Sept 19 while we were enjoying the weather outside while waiting for our 2nd counselor to come give me a calling. In addition to being on the activities committee I am now an asst. primary pianist. yikes. well i'll just have to get over my fears of playing in front of people and practice.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
On Tuesday Sept 14th Gavin and I went to wait for nate at the bus stop, but we got there a little early so we went next door to the church and sat on the grass. At first I just had Gavin sitting on my leg and his feet touching the grass but he kept moving his feet around so I couldn't tell if the grass was poking his feet or if he liked it. So I laid him on a burp cloth on the grass and he was just wiggling around in it, but stopped to discover his hands for the first time and I just happen to catch it on camera.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
At Gavins two month doctor appt Gavin got his shots and we measured him at 24" long and 13 lbs 6 oz. he's also in the 70% range for his height and 30% range for his head size. so other than having a bit of a smaller head he's proportional height and weight wize. the doctor also said since he's already doubled his weight that we were going to change up his diet a little. so he told me to start him on rice cereal once a day for a while and then we'd move to twice a day and then in a month or so start on some of the baby foods. So the first night i tried making it really runny like the box says and put it in a bottle, but i guess it was too thick to come out. so the next night i tried doing more of a spoon fed cereal, hoping he wasn't too little, since most babies start rice cereal around 4-6 months. But he did great! here's a picture of our first night of spoon fed cereal that he managed to get on his hand and spread ALL over his face.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The third weekend in August is the Bow Hunt for my Moms side of the family. It's where we go camping in the middle of no where for a week and ride 4 wheelers and play paintball and hang out with all the family. It was my first time going in a long time, and my first time going where i had to make my own food and be the mom. (it made me miss my mommy):) So my brother dan and his family decided to combine camp with our family which was a lot more fun for all. We were planning on going thursday through Sunday but unfortunatly Nate's grandfather had passed away that wednesday and the funereal was that saturday. So we just went up thursday and friday but that gave us a good idea of what other things would be nice in our camping supplies.Nate and I went on our first 3 wheeler ride together and... it was an experiance.;) Gavin did great and got better sleep then his mom and dad did. it was a lot of fun and we can't wait for next years.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
gavin rolling
This was the second time gavin has rolled over.... not his happiest moment, but he didn't great and just over a month old too!
We had Gavin's baby blessing on July 4, 2010. He was blessed by Nate and I made his blessing outfit with some help from Leigh Anne and mom. We weren't sure how big he was going to be, so we tried to adjust it once he was born, but he's still swimming in it- but I just started to learn how to sew, it was a great experiance.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
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